Earn with us!
When you buy food and drinks in our cafe, you earn bonus points with which you can pay for your next orders.
How it works?
Each GEL spent in our cafe brings you 1 bonus point, and every 5 bonus points are converted into 1 GEL. Simply put, when you buy for 5 GEL, you get 1 GEL to your account, from which you can pay for future purchases with earned points.
We have a gift!
Join our bonus program and we will give you a gift – 50 introductory bonus points! 50 points is 10 GEL, which you can use to pay for future orders.*
What do you need to get started?
You need to ask the seller to register you in the bonus program and place an order for at least 15 GEL (you will already earn 15 points!). All you need to do is give your first name, last name and email, so that a personal account is opened for you, to which bonus points will be credited.**
Points do not expire.
You can come tomorrow, in a week, in a month. Spend your points and earn new ones whenever you want!
*Pay with points up to 75% of the order amount.
**Your personal information is used for identification purposes and will not be used in any other way.